Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sepang Gold Coast

erm......after a few month x blk kg...tetiba la aku rasa windu kat laut..erm..Last weekend me wif my clicks have a short trip to Sepang Gold Coast.....i just like dis place since i came with my dearest sis...Fazlina.....erm....so nice wooo dis place.......hehehehehehe......sedang melepak2 di tepi tu, i saw a man wif his camera try to get d best shot.....erm....than i snap dis below pic from my henpon lah........ Nice ha...d view.......d sky...ooo soooooooo peace maa.......ol of us landing sbnrnyer sebelum kene halau ngan Guard yg agak mengong.....dia kata kalau nk duduk kat seat tu kene order air...walhal ader group chinese yg duduk kat situ relak jer......
snappy...snappy...snappy.....n snappy.........always like this....huhuhuu.....sehingga ader yg terasa akan keghairahan dan ke HOBI an kami yg satu ni.....

Ini plak bila Ina bukak SENI SILAT KUNTAU.......hahahahahahahaha....for sure japg or just a second once dis posting kuar aku kene jerit...."ADIK......KO JAHAT LA".......hahahahahahaha
I like dis pic......yeay....i edit it.....bfore edit...gbr ni agak hodoh lah...silap teknik........
I think Haizan sedang tahan nk shishi kot....huhuuuhuu...coz she keep ask me...
"Kak Su,toilet kat mana???"

Thanks to indian boy yg tolong snapkan gbr ni
n we end our Sunday xtxvt here...snapy........before we had our Dinner at Sentul Area........

1 comment:

[purple_clouds] said...

Waahhh best nya trip korang nih! Jeles makk! hehe...

Lawa gambar2 nya... Sue, pegi la beli camera powderpool skit.. ceh ceh, minat dan seni dah ada dah tu.. apalagasss?!